Notice is hereby given, as required by T.C.A.§ 7-51-904(b), that a meeting of the Dyer County Legislative Body will held on May 8, 2023 at 6:30 pm, at the Dyer County Courthouse, to consider a proposed lease agreement between Dyer County, TN, as tenant, and the Dyersburg-Dyer County Public Library Foundation, as landlord, in which the county would lease the real property and improvements located at 416 West Court Street, Dyersburg, TN from the landlord for an initial term of 40 years, with the county having the option to extend the term for two additional successive terms of 40 years each, in exchange for a one-time, lump sum payment of $200,000, which represents the entire amount of rent due to the landlord during the county’s occupancy of the premises, not only during the initial term, but also any and all renewal terms of the lease, and the county retaining the right to terminate the lease at any time upon not less than 6 months prior written notice.
03/04/2025 - Opioid Abatement Council Meeting, 1:30p.m., located at the Dyer County Health Dept.
Conference Room.
03/05/2025 - Local Government Committee Meeting, 1:30p.m., Richard Hill Committee Room, Basement of
03/10/2025 - Budget Committee Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Election Commission -Conference Room
03/10/2025 - County Legislative Body Meeting, 6:30p.m., Election Commission Hall, 113 W. Market St.
03/13/2025 - Temporary Ambulance Committee Meeting, 1:00 p.m., Richard Hill Committee Room
Basement of Courthouse.
03/21/2025 - TLM/Building Committee Meeting, 10:00 a.m. Bogota FD Update, On Site, Puckett Lane
03/27/2025 - TLM/Building Committee Meeting, 1:30p.m., Richard Hill Committee Room, Basement of
Dyer County Tennessee
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